A structured game environment that encourages creativity & competition in the beautiful game.
- Extract maximum creativity, confidence, and competitiveness out of every player.
- Create a positive environment where creativity and imagination flourish on the pitch.
- Establish a fun, structured game environment for the players to enjoy the beautiful game.
- Maximize touches without restrictions.
PROJECT STREETBALL is a special program dedicated to creating a structured yet fluid game environment that encourages creativity and competition in the beautiful game. Players will be placed in age and ability-based groups to compete in free play environments. HP Elite & Beyond Trainers will supervise the training sessions and use the competitive games to teach and bring out the best in every player.
Project Streetball and HP Elite & Beyond are not affiliated with any club/team nor has any intention to recruit players for any reason. Our mission is to help each player reach his/her highest potential by developing their individual skills through progressive and intensive technical training methods.
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Once training has started, please DO NOT walk onto the field, it is extremely disruptive to the training environment.
Please refrain from sideline coaching or giving any form of direction (ie: Kick, Pass, Shoot, etc.). This is the players’ training environment, let them make mistakes and learn from them.
Be a positive role model and support system for your young athlete.
Relax and enjoy watching your young athlete play the beautiful game of soccer.