Training Groups

There is a strong demand for our training program, class admission is based on a player’s history with HP Elite & Beyond, date of application, level of play, and space availability.

Our goal is to provide the best possible training environment for player growth and development. To meet this goal, we must maintain small training groups of 5-8 players with similar abilities. These small training groups of comparable players guarantees everyone more specialized attention.

Application Process

Players will submit an application to train with HP Elite & Beyond, NOT a registration. Applications will be reviewed and we will contact you via email let you know if your son/daughter has been accepted. Players are be accepted on a case-by-case basis. If your son/daughter is NOT accepted, you will receive a full refund.

HP Elite & Beyond ONLY accepts travel/select players for our clinics for U9 and older.


Summer 2024: For the Weekly Clinics (Classes 1-12) we can accommodate ONE make-up training session for ONE missed training date in an OPEN Class. Please email admin@hpeliteandbeyond.com with your request. Make ups will be issued based on availability in OPEN Classes.

Winter 2024/2025: There are NO refunds, credits, or make-ups for missing the clinic due to outside conflicts.


Please be punctual and prepared with plenty of fluids, soccer attire, shinguards, and indoor/turf shoes. Cleats are NOT permitted at the Field House.

Inclement Weather

Come rain or snow we will continue to train indoors at the Field House in a climate controlled facility. HP Elite & Beyond does NOT follow the public school schedules and weather cancellations; We will continue to operate according to the regular schedule barring any extreme circumstances. In the event of severe weather impacting our services, we will keep you informed via updates via email, social media, and our website. 

Parent Code of Conduct

- Relax and enjoy watching your child play the beautiful game.
- NO parent sideline coaching.
- NO form of direction from the sideline (ie: kick it, go forward, shoot!!, etc.).
- This is a learning environment; let the players play and the coaches coach.
- Do not walk onto the field as it is very disruptive to the training environment.

Class Descriptions

- LINK for detailed synopsis of our class offerings